Angie Alford
Angie Alford
Department of Mental Health
Class 13
Jessica Apel
Jessica Apel
Department of Natural Resources
Class 13
Joe Armistead
Captain Joe Armistead
Department of Public Safety
Class 13
Kassy Baumgartner
Kassy Baumgartner
Department of Social Services
Class 13
Michael Bill
Michael Bill
Department of Conservation
Class 13
Katy Cawdron
Katy Cawdron
Department of Social Services
Class 13
Brad Clark
Brad Clark
Department of Economic Development
Class 13
Katherine Cronin
Katherine Cronin
Department of Mental Health
Class 13
Ryan Dunwoody
Ryan Dunwoody
Department of Natural Resources
Class 13
Jill Fansler
Jill Fansler
Governor’s Office
Class 13
Joshua Featherston
Josh Featherston
Department of Health and Senior Services
Class 13
Katy Harlan
Katy Harlan, P.E.
Department of Transportation
Class 13
Lindsey Hedges
Lindsey Hedges
Missouri National Guard
Class 13
Whitney Hodges
Whitney S. Hodges
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Class 13
Alicia Hunt Ketterman
Alicia Hunt Ketterman
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Class 13
Aleesha Jones
Aleesha Jones
Department of Health and Senior Services
Class 13
Lavonda Keesler
Lavonda Keesler
Department of Commerce and Insurance
Class 13
Caty Luebbert
Caty Luebbert
Department of Commerce and Insurance
Class 13
Brooke Mastrogiannis
Brooke Mastrogiannis
Department of Commerce and Insurance
Class 13
Adam Merello
Adam Merello
Office of Missouri Attorney General
Class 13
Kim Mills
Kimberly Mills
Department of Corrections
Class 13
Albin Narvaez
Albin Narvaez
Department of Corrections
Class 13
Nate Percy
Nate Percy
Department of Social Services
Class 13
Elizabeth Perkins
Elizabeth Perkins
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Class 13
Natasha Prenger
Natasha M. Prenger
Department of Revenue
Class 13
Travis Pringle
Travis Pringle
Department of Commerce and Insurance
Class 13
Travis Rehagen
Travis Rehagen
Office of Administration
Class 13
Matt Rold
Matt Rold
Department of Agriculture
Class 13
Shannon Scott
Shannon Scott
Department of Transportation
Class 13
Joshua Shewmaker
Joshua Shewmaker
Department of Revenue
Class 13
Billie Since
Billie Since
Department of Corrections
Class 13
Amanda Stephenson
Amanda Stephenson
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Class 13
Kristal White
Kristal White
Office of Administration
Class 13
Matt Wilkerson
Matt Wilkerson
Department of Transportation
Class 13
Nikki Wrinkles
Nikki Wrinkles
Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Class 13
Tara Yates
Tara Yates
Department of Mental Health
Class 13