Chad Smith
Chad Smith
Regional Resource Management Supervisor
Department of Conservation
Chad began his career with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) in 2002 and is currently the Regional Resource Management Supervisor in MDC's Northeast Region. In this role, he leads a team of 40 natural resource professionals who manage fish, forest, and wildlife resources on approximately 80,000 acres of publicly accessible land and water in 15 counties in northeast Missouri. Chad's responsibilities include developing overall work plans, goals, and budgets for his team; ensuring staff have the necessary resources and training to accomplish individual and MDC objectives; recruiting, hiring, mentoring, and retaining a dedicated workforce; and coordinating with partners to achieve shared goals. In addition, he helps lead segments of MDC's program to monitor and manage Chronic Wasting Disease in the state's White-tailed deer herd. Chad graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.